Top 5 Favourite Criminal Documentaries on Netflix

I have to admit I have watched many criminal shows during last few years.. I watch them obsessively when autumn comes, everything is gray, it’s cold outside and all you see behind the window is rain. For me it’s just the perfect time to spend my evenings in company of serial killers and unsolved mysteries. I was thinking about my next post and decided that I will share with you my top 5 favourite documentary shows on Netflix.




The first show I watched from the Netflix Original series and I have to say it was very addictive. It’s about a man who spent most of his life in prison. He was convicted of sexual assault and attempted murder, spent 18 years in jail and then was released in 2003 by DNA evidence. In 2005 he was arrested again on charges of murdering a local photographer. This series shows many inconsistencies during the investigation and possibility of fabricated evidence.


2. The Keepers



This is the show that I saw in the recommendation section and decided to give it a try. I wasn’t expecting to much, but it surprised me very positively. It is about unsolved murder of a nun which took place in 60’s. Story is very complex and I don’t want to give you any spoilers. I can only say that it touches on subject of church hiding many dark secrets which came to light only recently.


3. Shadow of Truth



For me this one is very interesting, because the story takes place in Israel. It shows how legal system works in a different culture and how common, but also controversial many police procedures are. It brings up a subject of wrongful convictions and how big pressure put on suspect can make him believe that he actually committed a crime.


4. The Imposter



This one in my opinion isn’t as good as previous ones from the movie-making point of view, but definitely tells a very interesting and unusual story. It is so weird and disturbing, that you may think these things happen only in movies, but this one is based on facts and real people tell about it.


5. The Confession Tapes



I watched two episodes of this one, but based only on that I can tell it is worth seeing, especially if you are interested in crime, psychology, miscarriages of justice. Similar to Shadow of Truth it touches on subject of inaccurate work of police, manipulating people and disguising the truth during the investigation.


Have a nice watch!
